Hey! I want to create a note app where multiple user can work on same note in real time. I want anybody can become my partner into this project this is my github link.


Tech stack-

  • 1
    Tried an existing alternative like Notion?
  • 2
    Provide something very new or there are better/safer alternatives.
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    @above maybe it's just for the heck of it or to learn.
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    Also MERN for that? Why tho?
  • 1
    It just a pet project and It doesn't do anything new but my problem is I never complete my any large dev project that's why I need a partner in this project, If anybody interested in pair programming then you are welcome :D
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    @100110111 It just tech stack in this project (mongodb,reactjs,express,node) these 4 technology I use in this project :)
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    @ultra-lord @100110111 knows what MERN is he is just interested in why you picked that stack. As am I!

    Good luck with it. I don't think it's overly ambitious. You can probably do it on your own but it's probably more fun with a devrant buddy.
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    Very few people are going to jump on board to work with you on a personal project like this - you'd need something far meatier for people to "bite", usually something that's in widespread use already.
  • 2
    People will contribute when you have made something already, also, if it's your personal project, you should make most of it yourself.
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    @hjk101 Cause I know react js, node, and mongo very well and I first thought of using MySQL database instead mongodb but I don't know much about MySQL so I ditched that idea and in the case of frontend I use reactjs cause It has minimum boilerplate as far I know or I have a pretty good understanding in it and nodejs this is the only server-side language I know that's the only reason to use it.
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