I fucking hate TypeScript and Rust. I’d rather be working in C++

  • 6
    Modern C++ or C with Classes?

    After spending time with Rust and Cargo I just can’t face any more C++.
  • 6
    I understand your rage with typescript, but Rust? Why? Rust is love, Rust is life.
  • 3
    What do you think is wrong with TS?
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    @kamen the build system really. The language itself is nice, but it never likes to play fairly when being transpiled elsewhere.
  • 8
    Types in JS is like a spoiler on a wheelchair
  • 1
    @MM83 right. Spoilers are awesome. Wheelchairs are an amazing invention.... together, it was ill thought out.
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    Maybe Deno will save Typescript?
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    @devphobe exactly, solves a different problem. I have no problem with JS, use it all the time, I’d just use saner languages if I wanted strong typing.
  • 4
    lEtS uSE rUST FoR TeH WeB
  • 0
    @petergriffin Can't wait for yew to become stable and try it
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    @petergriffin Rocket is pretty good IMO, very nice to use and very easy to do stuff in
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    @neeno Rocket might save my opinion of rust
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    After seeing how much work it takes to make a web app with Rust compared to Go, I'll just stick to go if I want a compiled solution with a multitude of third party packages as well as a sane std lib.

    Rust as a language is definitely superior to Go, but the advantages in terms of speed etc are just not comparable to the ease of building a proper Go app with tdd in mind etc.

    At least on that side I still far prefer Go. In terms of using Rust vs C++, I honestly see little advantages, the compiler protecting you from stupidity is to me admitting defeat, specially compared to proper c++20 best practices.

    That package manager is king tho, way better than anything I have seen in C++ or any other package manager for that matter.

    So I feel you.
  • 1
    @AleCx04 I'm just learning go, but I agree with you. As much as I like doing web backends in Rust, the productivity could be better, you spend way too much time fighting the compiler over some silly stuff.

    My problem with go is that it's just way too simple, I'm taking a bit of time to adjust to it (rewrote my shit 3 times last week), but I have the feeling that once I do I'm gonna love it.
  • 3
    @neeno sounds like a little bit Rusty here. I personally have no problem with Rust. But It depending on what the project is tho.
  • 3
    C# is Microsoft Java,
    Typescript is a Microsoft JavaScript,
  • 2
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    @neeno and that general consensus is what bothers me about Rust. I can either learn proper C++ to work on a field in which there are already a loooooot of jobs, opportunities etc, or wait for the Rust environment o mature enough for companies outside of very niche environments inside of Microsoft, Mozilla, Google etc to make it wide available.
    I do view Rust as my entry into embedded development, that is one thing, but the level of complexity inside of the language is damn near as astronomical as that of C++, which makes me think that well, might as well just get better with C++.

    One thing I can say for certain, there is no *({}!).*(malloc(sizeoOf)) bullshit trickery inside of Rust, the syntax is there and there are no two ways of fucking with it to do dark magic.

    In terms of Go, stick with it, I really like how simple it is to build a full fledged web application with it, would not use it much outside of that environment tho, but that is just me.

    I might very well be full of shit
  • 1
    @AleCx04 yeah, I wanted to get a job writing rust but it's too damn niche and I don't work on low level stuff. I wanted to, but there are less jobs in this field every day, so I'm taking the safe route and going for something with more jobs (not sure what that is yet, soo many options). I'm gonna save low level programming for hobby projects.

    Quick question, do you use any framework in go? I immediately went searching for one and started using gin, but I kinda hate it and people seem to just use the std library and specific packages, no frameworks, which actually seems much cleaner to me.

    EDIT: I have yet to learn C and C++. I've used C++ before but it was in unreal and had a garbage collector, I didn't learn much except what pointers were. But I might learn C one of these days, it's the most widely used language for kernel development and I'm kinda interested in that. We'll see how it goes.
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    @devphobe The build system however is not inherent to TypeScript - TypeScript is usually just plugged into an existing build system.
  • 1
    @MM83 For people who add strings with numbers, maybe. For people who want to get shit done it's actually helpful.

    Imagine a language that only blows up in runtime because you passed in the wrong argument. That's vanilla JavaScript. TypeScript keeps you from that. And on a road that only accepts wheelchairs, you bet I'd want my spoiler (you don't have much choice for the web now, do you?).
  • 2
    From the thread I gathered it was about using rust for Web applications?? I mean I'd pick rust over c++ any day, as soon as it compiles you usually got a stable application as runtime bugs get converted to compile time errors. Definitely not a good choice if you need to develop fast but it has its use cases however C will never truly be replaced at least in embedded and close to hardware programming
  • 2
    @kamen totally mate, but if we’re transpiling I’d rather use a language in better shape, c# or something
  • 1
    @kamen yes, but as a DevOps guy that’s my job. No two typescript apps are ever built the same way in my world. In C# I could almost guarantee the build commands were the same with different parameters passed in.
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