
Sick and tired of this country. Is it a fucking crime to try to be a good dev in here? I mean, nobody gives a shit about quality and the learning process, it's all about the money, 'making it work', and salaries. Don't the guys have any honor?

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    What makes you think all the other countries are doing it right with no intention of 'making-money' or 'making-it-work' !?
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    @vish Atleast code quality is maintained in their projects. In my company, since I joined, I've had to personally rewrite half the code.
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    @cst1992 Well, I agree with you partially. I see equally similar people who write bad & undocumented code in other countries.

    May be it's because India being very very big & popular country, we see a lot of rapes & bad codes but I think the number of rapes & undocumented codes are relatively same almost all over the world.
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    @cst1992 I promise you it is not just your country (or company).
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    @samk That makes me both happy and sad at the same time :/
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    The problem is that some devs aren't passionated, they just work.
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    @wichardriezebos Proportions of them vary, or even those are the same?
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