-= Me in the zone hacking out code during meeting with customer for an emergency change =-

-ready to deploy just need to....-

Me to myself:

"Oh ... oh shit ... I forgot who the customer is / who this is for / what time it is ... how do I ask these people on the call who the fuck they even are....?"


  • 2
    If it's online meeting than there are clues in the invite...

    If it's a physical one run for the bathroom with your hand covering your mouth (well you can do that anyway as a stalling tactic)
  • 0
    I just admit I manage way to much information at any given time, and just ask. I just work here. I don't get paid less if I just ask. It's not like it affects my salary if I ask a "stupid" question once in a while. Some people may whine but those are just people, and I care about people as much as they care about me.

    Since clients are only interacting with me because they want to do business with others, so I don't feel obliged to even remember their names. That's what administration is for.
  • 1
    I use this tactic for customers and names of people I forgot.

    > How do you spell your name?

    It only gets awkward when they respond:

    > T-O-M, Tom, my name is Tom.
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