
I watched nvidia gtc keynote today. Most of stuff was about how amazing their gpu is and how much processing power we need, oh really?

Self driving cars are most idiotic way to implement rail way system on top of complicated road traffic system from last century.

The real problem is and always was problem of last mile. We don’t do shit about it, just trying to reinvent same stuff by complicating things.

I started wondering if it would be cheaper to just put small electric golf cars on railroads next to highway with automatic parkings next to cities. We could then slowly replace highways with railroads and even stack rails on top of each other.

You just drive to parking with golf cart and it hops you to railroad with auto chargers. Traffic is predictable so you know exact hour when you hop out and can drive last mile to target destination. So fucking simple yet we need fucking computer and tons of scientists to solve problems we created by bringing idiotic movies ideas to life.

Well most of stuff we try to automate is done so shitty way that it’s in fact complicate.

Fortunately it’s not my problem.

  • 6
    That railroad thing sounds like minecraft
  • 2
    @hack yeah put us in fucking cube with tv and couch. If I want to drive fast and furious I would go to race track and rent a car.
  • 2
    Trams exist

    Car industry: *pikachu face*
  • 3
    It's ironic how you first called a whole industry idiotic and went on to present that idea.
  • 3
    Am I the only one who got pretty bad nightmares from Ghost in the Shell and the hacked road system?

    I mean... The cars all drive by themselves

    But if the system gets hacked you'll be part of a life changing auto scooter......
  • 1
    @IntrusionCM speed is energy. You can set speed by manipulating electric voltage. Don’t need computer for that.
  • 2
    @electrineer well because car industry of how it stands today is most idiotic way to solve last mile problem. I don’t say it’s their fault. They just use infrastructure and infrastructure is a problem.

    Amount of money that is put into logistics operations instead of infrastructure is enormous.

    I understand why. It’s easier to hire bunch of people who will click on steppers to pick optimal value and get materials instead of improving or modernize infrastructure.

    We’re dependent on things that don’t scale anymore.

    Roads are COBOL of logistics. Cars are not a problem, problem is how we use them.
  • 1
    @iiii trams don’t solve last mile problem
  • 0
    Obviously, bicycles and electric bicycles solve the last mile problem best in most cases.
    Self-driving cars are for those who actually need to transport heavy stuff or need to travel long distances.
  • 1
    @vane you've described driverless trams
  • 3
    @Oktokolo Am I the only one around here who could easily walk that last mile, and regularly does so?
  • 0
    It is true in rain.
    Snow indeed is a problem for both: Bicycles and cars.
    But the same is valid for the absence of streets. I expected streets and winter services to be a given...
  • 1
    Public transport is not a solution at all. It is slow, unreliable and inefficient. Trains make sense for really long distances, but only if they're fast. so basically: trains for >70km, speed of ~300 km/h. Self driving cars for everything else.
  • 1
    It's not about the last Mile, its about the last 10 miles. And there is the problem, 15km is 30 min by bike (or maybe 20), like 40 min with public transport because no direct connection usually and only like 10 min by car.
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    @iiii yeah because that’s how it will work, highways will have special road with wireless charging. Testing is in progress.
    Everyone just go around the problem by not making railroads.

    We can’t admit that we want to use system designed for horses and low speed transportation to effectively move things and people.
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    Yes. Didn't you watch WALL-E?
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    @Oktokolo Yeah, I did. It's supposed to be a dystopia, but then again, we are moving straight towards making it reality.

    IMO, staying in shape is the socially responsible thing to do, plus, there are a lot of egoistic reasons to put in the work.
  • 0
    I apply the "do as I ask, not as I do" principle.

    I happen to have the skills to work with tech, but that does not mean I should complicate my own life with tech. While my typical client is your average yuppie, owns a house, a car and several iProducts... I own a set of pans and knives.

    With the money I make complicating other people's lives I simplify my own. No have no debts, no house, no car, a shitty 5 year old phone and no desire for any of it. I play video games and cook delicious things while they mull over profits and their next big purchase. I don't need that kind of stress in the portion of my life I can shape myself.

    Happening to understand complex tech and making money off of complex tech doesn't mean you need to behave like a modern day drone trying to manage all these complexities. All I care about is good meals and getting my dick sucked off once in a while. Let others lead their complex lives if they are so inclined. It puts food on my table after all.
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