
Word used by the programmer when he does not want to explain what he did??
Answer - Algorithm.........

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    No. Only if you have an ego.

    My usual way of saying is:

    I have no fucking clue how this works.

    And dependent on the quantity of red flags popping up in my head:

    If you want me to touch that shit, you are all in it with me - no excuses.

    (friendly reminder that they'll have to deal with my moods, as mostly my instinct is right and I get quite moody when I have to crawl through a latrine pit of shit)
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    I always say that I don’t have idea why it worked, I just made some changes here and there... bamm worked!!!
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    When someone asks what I did I just sigh heavily and tell then there's a lot to it but I try to explain in simpler terms if I can
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    Haha funny
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