
That moment when you've been slaving away after hours and before work and you decide to push all your local code (at least only the last week's worth) to BitBucket. But because everything you know about Android Development and SourceTree is self taught you manage to delete not only your online repository but all your local code as well. fml

  • 0
    But how? :3
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    @mundo03 I created a repo on BitBucket and created a repo using SourceTree which was pointing to the location on my hard drive instead of to BitBucket. When I started getting root errors I started deleting stuff. My folders were still on my local so I thougt it was fine. When my projects would compile I looked inside the folders... Empty.
  • 0
    Damn :(
    I always setup my repos and remotes via terminal, the open them with a gui tool (gitkraken in my case)
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    Our senior dev saw my rant and is helping me set everything up on Monday morning, including backup to Dropbox.
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    Very weird to have peers that know you in here :s
  • 1
    @mundo03 it's the first rant I ever made, and I shared it to Facebook. I can redo the work, and it will probably be better anyway.
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