Most creative commit message when you don't know what to write?

  • 2
    "Small improvements in <module>"
  • 7
    How you don't know what to write? Don't you know what you have changed?
  • 3
    why not
    * typo
    * cleared up description in comment
    * beautified
    * changes to code structure to improve readability
    or the like?
  • 3
    "code modified"
  • 2
  • 1
    you certainly could automate that by pulling from whatthecommit.com
  • 1
    "hello world"
  • 4
    yeees someone already thought about that:
    git commit -m "$(curl -s whatthecommit.com/index.txt)"

    (github.com/ngerakines/commitment for Details)
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    Refactored the 12 lowest-hanging fruits - you won't believe how much the seventh improved!
  • 1
    Nothing to see here 👀 WIP
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    we have many commits in our codebase that go like
    - poopoo
    - shit
    - potato
    - fix

    i cant judge tho because i am one of those controbutors
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    chore: update
  • 1
  • 1
    The first non-it noun that comes into my mind (and is sfw). Examples:
    - blobfish
    - capacitor
    - power plant
    - blanket

    Etc. Wherever my mind wanders :)
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