
3 more workdays and then this nightmare of MS Teams will be over. I swear when Microsoft planned that they had a list of everything Slack did right and told the team if anything on that list was included they would be hung up by their unmentionables with fish hooks.

  • 4
    @AtuM my soon to be former company moved us from Slack to teams. So I moved to a company that does not hate its devs.
  • 1
    Hung by their Voldemorts with fish hooks?
  • 0
    I wonder if what a lot of Teams failure is due to the fact that Microsoft had to cater to a lot of enterprise compliance nonsense (ironically not an insignificant amount of which is their own). Instead of being able to hone in on a few singular epics, they were tied up with trying to build in compliance for ISO27001, integrating into the (various!) office stacks, (various!) identity management systems, and the hellish cross-cutting concerns between combinations therein.

    It is a somewhat saddening possibility that it may yet triumph over Slack for what appears to be little other reason than Microsoft is able to wield its considerable clout to ram it down peoples throats (and the large scale enterprise organisations are quite happy to accept it, because making a business case to a bunch of boomers for another inch of the Microshaft is far easier to make when they're already balls deep - at least compared to something literally named slack)
  • 0
    I never used teams but its hard to imagine it can be any worse than zoom (for a Linux user anyways)
  • 0
    @Tonnoman0909 have not used zoom on Linux, but I’ll take that bet.

    I had heard many horror stories over the years and it was most commonly described as shit. After using it I realized everyone needed to go apologize to shit for insulting it so badly.

    It’s on a level of bad that would be comparable to Trump being president for another 10 terms.

    I would vote for Trump before choosing teams, fuck I’d choose smoke signals and legit telegrams or even face to face meetings that required a 2 hour 1 way drive over teams.
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