20 years in and I’m just now discovering Fish! Why the hell isn’t it more popular? For real, it has more features OOB than bash or zsh and the scripted is so much nicer. Oh I need to add to my path? Just add onto a built in variable from the CLI and your good, no need for a script to append a line to some file loaded by zsh or opening up the .zshrc and manually editing it. And how bout that “funcsave” built in huh? Freaking awesome. More people need to be championing Fish, it’s better than your terminal bros zsh

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    I think the main reason is that it's not a POSIX compliant shell, aka /bin/sh scripts are not guaranteed to work.

    And zsh does the job just fine, except that its default config is minimal
  • 0
    I hate overblown shell configurations... And alternative shells.

    For one simple reason: admins trying to distribute their home made 25 MB init scripts "because it's so much wow".

    And suddenly nothing works anymore 😒

    (Okay. 25 MB might be too much...)
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    I felt the same when I found fish... Then i tried using it for a while and realized that it makes it harder to find help and I still had to use a different shell for scripting unless the script is only for me and so on... It kind of adds up and makes it not worth it.

    The complex escape sequence usage also always risks fucking up the screen.
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    It’s easy enough to add an export function to fish and any scripts should have a proper shebang. Sure there might be some friction but so far it seems worth it. Being a zsh user I still had to deal with dropping into bash now and then. Time will tell I guess but right now I’m still in the honeymoon phase
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    @mcfearsome yeah, but dropping into bash from zsh is not that big of a difference, fish to bash/zsh is full on context switch.
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    @hobblin taking into account what I guess is a common progression, bash -> zsh -> fish, I feel the context switch isn’t all that bad. All the years in bash then zsh softens the impact a bit. Now I probably wouldn’t recommend fish to someone who is just starting out for the reasons mentioned as I feel they are apt observations.
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