

Can anyone recommend me a good book or course to start learning spring framework 4??

Am tired of struggling with it, I have to
Work with the thing and I barely know what am doing most of time.

I managed to resolve a couple
Of spring security issues we had at
Work but that was through sheer dogged googling around, I want to spend some
Time learning it from Bottoms up...

I know its quite vast but what am going for is trying to learn the basics and a few of the most commonly used bits of the advanced portions then expanding my knowledge.

So any suggestions?

I hear spring in action 4 by craig wells
is nice but some reviews criticises it about not being appropriate for newbies like me.

So damn tired of silently screaming
"what the F*** is all this shit?!?" when am given spring related stuff to work on 😔

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    Does it matter how big the book is? All mine are like 900 pages. Or do you want something quicker?
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    Oh thats totally fine, I don't mind slowly chipping at it gradually so long as it's appropriate for my level and i can build up from there 😁

    I know googling around when working on an issue is the life of a dev but I would like to have a better frame of reference to work from, am thinking learning from a good book or course would be a good
    Step towards what am going for.
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    I would check YouTube. There seems to be a lot of tutorials on there and at least personally I learn more by watching and trying.

    Btw if it makes you feel better, initially I hated spring because it seemed like such a black box. But once you get to know it decently, it really is super helpful for SO much.
  • 1
    I would suggest you to go through Spring Framework tutorials on YouTube by JavaBrains and Gontu Series
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    @kshitij1708 thanks will check em out!
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