Wait a moment sublime... really? I don't have the option to say no to all the 10,000+ replace action?
Now you have me clicking "No", "No", "No"... like a maniac! (-‸ლ)

  • 2
    I need recommendations on alternative light weight IDEs. This shit now looks irritating to me.
  • 4
  • 1
    @RememberMe Man that shit is nothing close to Lite
  • 4
    @RememberMe It's a text editor though
  • 3
    Seems like you're doing something questionable to begin with, but "no to all" would be a nice option.

    @Eklavya so is Sublime, even more so
  • 4
    Something like this?


    However, I’d really recommend vscode, it’s not as heavy as you think and has far more options for plugins and support
  • 3
    VSCode is not heavy as long as you don't add many extensions. I have a freaking lot so mine is closer to Eclipse than to Sublime Text.

    But, what about VIM?
  • 5
    @c3r38r170 The trick is to disable all extensions globally (except those few that are really needed in every peoject) and only activate the ones on a per-workspace-basis that are useful for the given project.
    This way you avoid bloating your VSCode with extensions.
  • 2
    @Benedikt Most are quality of life lol
  • 4
    If you're on windows 'shift' + click on NO does a 'no to all'.
    Or at leas it does on system popups. Failing that, just kill the program from task manager. You did save/auto-save right?
  • 2
    Most IDE's are shit
  • 1
    @EpicofGilgamesh very helpful, aren't we 😒
  • 3
    Or you can use Sublime's feature like "hot exit", which leaves drafts and edits between sessions, and not care about closing tabs at all.
  • 3
    @Giddy@GiddyNaya How about Vim / Neovim?
  • 2
    Save all, close all, then revert the changes from the VCS.

    Still, it feels weird that it does modifications on tabs that aren't in focus.
  • 1
    @DasKoder Shift + click didn't work... Killing the task from task manager and then reopening it loads the project once again with the unsaved tabs. I was forced to download an extension that granted me the option to close all without saving.
  • 1
    @24th-Dragon Checked their website... I think this looks promising.
  • 1
    I'm sorry, but "...>© ASS_project, ..."?!? Not even a variable... 🙃
  • 1
    @RagingCodeChimp Funny enough that was the change I was trying to revert.
  • 1
    Is this sublime text 2
  • 0
    @sakshams Maybe he is using mac or any other os or prob his sublime is not uptodate
  • 1
    Hey @Eklavya i am using window 10 and can you pls tell me which version of sublime is this
  • 1
    @GiddyNaya Ah, there we have it 😊 Had to be a mistake. Looked like a const or something.
  • 0
    @sakshams Sublime v3.2.2 that's the latest at the time of this comment.

    Edit: Probably an earlier version cus I updated after the challenge... But it's a family of v3
  • 1
    @Eklavya oh oh oh this is sublime text version 4
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