I have never understood religious violence

  • 14
    Not here bro.

    Two topics we avoid like plague here are:

    1. Politics
    2. Religion

    And this rule has significantly helped in maintaining the quality of this community.

    I hope you understand that this is ain't personal :)
  • 3
    @Floydimus I wish we could include "3. Reposts" to that...
  • 0
    @ostream my daddy's dick is bigger than yours unless you are from scientology your dick is probably not that big
  • 1
    @Floydimus cool seems I'd rather start a distro war
  • 3
    Any dogma creates violence. Nuff said
  • 3
    Comes for the religious puns, ends up in a cockfight instead 🐓

    I think we know now how religious violence starts.
  • 1
    I never understood reason of its existence.
  • 2
    @C0D4 the best cock in the fight is the one who knows jew-jutsu
  • 2
    As Yassar Arafat said, it's fighting over who has the best imaginary friend.
  • 1
    **unga bunga**
    Person 1: "I love god! She has beautiful hair and will love us to eternity!"

    Person 2: "SHE?!?!?"

    ** clash&&boom&&murder&&pew pew **
  • 1
    @EpicofGilgamesh That's more like it my boy
  • 0
    I understand it perfectly. I regret that it exists, but I do understand it. I have an opinion about it, but as long as people don't want me to piss all over their belief system I don't see any value in expressing it.

    It is sufficient to understand that excluding the religious in total from one's social life means that it remains a matter of "other people doing stupid shit" and that their shenanigans have a net positive effect on overpopulation.
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