Any of you are annoyed by your non-technical manager work practices?

Every release I feel like our manager's goal is to have our planning and results look good in front of higher management, no matter if it is true or not.

Oh this big task could not be done because we had to plan 4 months in advance with no info and poorly done requirements? Well let's just push it to the next release we can't have unfinished tasks logged in.

Oh we don't have time to work on tech debt and refactoring, there are too many features and bugfixes to do. Well maybe that is why there are so many bugs, eh?

Oh your automated test results need to all look perfect, does not matter if your test are even good or actually doing anything in the first place, as long as it passes.

Also, I was promised agile and got a waterfall-like bullshit process instead that barely works.

Anyways just morning rambling.

  • 3
    It's depressing to realize how deeply I can feel your situation. I've endured whatever you wrote in every sentence.

    Can add another thing my non-tech manager used to do. He was so hell bent on adding some AI-ML stuff onto our application, where there was no need, use case, or relevant dataset. All this was just to add some fancy buzzwords to look cooler to higher ups and clients.
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