I found this old book in my basement(it's from 2004). Would you recommend using it to improve my knowledge or would there be too much deprecated information? I already made a few (rather simple) android apps, but never really got to know java.

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    it should be ok for basic stuff. the tools are too old.
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    Their it away. Check the web for "Java ist auch eine Insel". The online version is free and gets regulary updates.
    Role of thumb: If it says "J2SE", it's outdated or a trap (like in job adverts, promising the latest tech but looking for J2SE it J2EE knowledge)
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    @writeascript HELL NO! Seriously don't touch that! Maybe if it's J2SE 5.0. But there are 4 J2SE versions. If you want a good book for a beginner/intermediate get one of these:
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    @JavaRules are they expensive? I also think english is my language of choice for learning a language, so thanks for making the first english book suggestion ;)

    Edit: I will look them up myself; thanks for your suggestion
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    @writeascript hey man, so they are really cheap, like 10-15$ on Amazon. If this will be your first language, I really recommend the beginners guide sixth edition, It covers a lot. If you've already programmed before, either just pick up the complete reference, or the OCA then OCP. They have different teaching styles. But honestly I've reviewed a lot of Java books. And 80% of them are bullshit. These ones don't waste your time though! :) good luck!
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