  • 6
    Yeah every one of those 44%... garbage devs for sure.

    I've started a different version of late night coding.

    After working and tending to my family i'm too damn tired to code at prime night time hours most nights.

    So I get up ultra early in the morning before anyone else is up ... it's the early morning / still ok to drink coffee kind of 'night'.

    It's great, and I still count it as night.
  • 2
    @N00bPancakes so a few hours before sunrise.

    Also yeah, I fully agree that these devs definitely aren’t coding right. They’re not obsessed about their coding problems enough lmao.
  • 0
    At night I sleep. I dont have more energy to coding at night, I'd like, but work (semi flex, we need to work between a range), study, health, family, ...
  • 0
    I know I should not say this...but

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