
Yes, benzodiazepines and some other prescription drugs are bad for you, but if a doctor prescribed them, your current state of mind is even worse for you than that pills.

Stop blaming yourself. There is no need to walk a mile with your legs broken. Stop, wait for them to heal and only then carry on.

  • 3
    Benzos are safe short term, mostly safe long term. The vast majority of drugs are safe, that's why they get prescribed. (chemotherapy is basically poison but that's pretty much the point)

    I'm making this point as an individual that takes a stigmatised, but safe medication. I've got ADHD.
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    Also telling someone with anxiety not to worry seems counterproductive
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    (benzos are used to treat anxiety)
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    @atheist stop worrying about benzos, Jeff Benzos.
  • 4
    Yeah, always walk that mile in someone else's shoes. Because then you're a mile away and have their shoes.
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    @d4ng3r0u5 ok that was funny, I'll admit.
  • 2
    @kiki Lets practice what you preach, heal it yourself. Take care!
  • 1
    @aviophile I'm not really worried about them, more bothered about the stigma associated with medication in general. I've literally been told that special needs are an excuse for stupid people, by someone that lacked both the knowledge and skills to do the job I was doing. I've been told that I "have a degree, so can't have adhd", which totally glosses over how much I struggled, how I didn't fulfil my potential.
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