
Came down with the virus.

I thought it would miss me, and I would have a cool story to tell people about how I came out is the pandemic unscathed.

Now I will have absolutely 0 interesting stories to tell my grandchildren.

  • 6
    Oh, I got a cold now. no, not covid since we're in quarantine and don't interact with people, but a fucking cold cuz I took too long to dry my hair last night. 😐 Which story do you think is more interesting?
  • 2
    Same last year. Oh well.
    How are the symptoms treating you?
  • 7

    Hope you have loved ones nearby that can help you out and that you will survive so you can have more interesting stories to tell besides the covid virus. Stay safe, quarantine yourself and even when you feel slightly less, call upon the doctor or hospital before it becomes irreversible.
  • 2
    ^ this guy is absolutely right. Stay safe, and show the virus who's the boss.
  • 4
    @NeatNerdPrime we’re doing fine thank you very much for asking. It’s the wife and two children. They’ve had it, now we got it, taking care of them and playing will be a challenge, but here we are. Luckily symptoms are mild so far. Let’s hope it stays this way.

    The mind blowing thing is the smelling. I smell nothing. I just bought a new keyboard and cannot smell it at all. Kinda sad about that, first new keyboard in 10 years.
  • 3
    @pwac092 this is indeed the weird thing about this disease, the lack of smell. Not to scare you but it can be something permanent. However the advantage is that when there is a sickening smelly fart around, you won't notice and thus not be affected.

    Ever thought you would rather be able to smell horrendous farts rather then nothing at all?
  • 2
    @NeatNerdPrime farts all the way. I really like whisky, and not smelling would ruin the experience
  • 2
    @NeatNerdPrime After corona, my smell-ability was reduced by about 50%. Sad
  • 2
    The common cold is distributed the same way as the black flu. If you can get a cold, you can get the black flu.
    Better get tested.
  • 2
    @Oktokolo what's black flu?
    Also I would if I had symptoms. Better not endanger myself and others by making unnecessary trips.
  • 0
    The black flu is COVID-19.

    The nickname sounds way more dangerous - as it should for the most serious pandemic we probably will see in our lifetime.
    It isn't as lethal as the "black plague" - but definitely lethal enough to warrant some serious countermeasures and a fear-inducing name. Just calling it "COVID-19" really doesn't cut it...
  • 3
    @Oktokolo I call it the American flu just to piss off Trumpians, and also cuz of the death rate. (Spanish flu for comparison)
  • 1
    A country name doesn't make sense for a pendemic (not even for the Spanish Flu).
    Pissing off MAGAs is always a good thing to do, but just mentioning the pandemic already is enough for that to happen.
    And i can also piss off newspeak snowflakes by having "black" in that nickname...
  • 2
    Day is now over. Taking care of two little ones with this crap is hard work. I did very little raising today and mostly only keeping in line.
  • 2
    @synemeup I wish your smell was reduced too
  • 0
    Just because maybe someone’s interested.

    The smell thing is just bonkers. I can’t smell for shit. As it turns out I am a very smell oriented person. I smell everything, and now that part is just gone.
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