Fucking node.js module directories are so goddamn bloated !

Why are so many fucking files necessary ? WHY ?

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    Because every library needs at least 10 other libraries to do basic stuff.
    "Don't reinvent the wheel" 😄
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    Thank god we don't commit them, otherwise git would be so slow

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    @alexbrooklyn actually its copying some stuff from one drive to another taking forever but.. yeah.. right.. would never commit them to git which actually doesnt really take forever lol
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    @alexbrooklyn and yeah the dependency update feature of github is horrible. it encourages bad practices !
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    @MadMadMadMrMim you mean "dependabot", right? Good thing it doesn't have write access in repository, just creates some peaceful PRs.
    Merging without thinking is exactly a bad practice brought by maintainers themselves. They should know better than allow side effects.
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    @vintprox does it dependably break shit ?
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    @MadMadMadMrMim it breaks shit for everyone who works on repository - after someone carelessly merging PR from dependabot, no testing. Just MERGE and let the world burn, genius simple. It isn't a good habit.
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    @vintprox my experience with node isnt especially great personally, so I'll take your word, I've developed a few small projects in it.

    I don't really see much use except self hosting web services, json manipulation and electron honestly....
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    Afaik node just copies every required version ... Cause who needs proper versioning.
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    1. Bad standard lib. this forceddevelopers to create their own stuff.
    2. Bad design. The developer of node said it himself and thats why created deno. There are stiff flaws in that design but its much better than the internet download of nodejs.
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    @IntrusionCM npm not node. Still wrong anyways as it will download multiple versions of the same module in case of incompatible requirements only.
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    All these comments starting with " good thing we just ... " doesn't scream excellent tool
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    @MadMadMadMrMim this is the video of dahls reqrets: youtube.com/watch?v=M3BM9TB-8yA
    and here is denos site: https://deno.land
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    @EpicofGilgamesh no node has some issues

    JavaScript in general has led to some really really strangely coded tools that are hard to trace through
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    @stop It's really weird that JSConf channel decided to hide rating on this video, but I'm gonna assume there were a lot of Node.js tryhards that disliked it.

    GYP and node_modules, pointed out in this video, are really a pain in the ass though. I like Deno for sticking with some better ideas like TypeScript, type declarations for standard lib, low permissions by default, URL dependencies and useful cache.
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