My experience looking up CSS issues comes down to millions of stack overflow solutions I don’t understand that never work for me

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    CSS doesn't actually work.
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    @N00bPancakes it’s full of randomness, hidden rules twists turns gotchas and magic Druid spells. I learned all this in a week. You really need to be a wizard to keep that damn footer down. There needs to be a special css framework for devs who hate it, which I think is most devs
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    Stackoverflow is not the place to learn css.

    You, the browsers devtools, and some fancy sites is where you learn how css works.

    Well that and some decent docs

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    @C0D4 thanks as always! CSS has been a nightmare bc there’s lots of nuances and traps that drive me insane. A cookbook would take so much leg work out. Am I screwed if I want to do front end but weak in CSS? HTML and jquery/react I’m cool with but css puts knots in my stomach at times
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    @TeachMeCode css isn't that hard, granted it can be a pain to achieve some things with it, but if you keep it simple then you won't enter css hell often.

    Not knowing css will be a problem if you do frontend web, html+js will make a button clickable, but won't make it presentable to someone to want to click on it.

    But that doesn't mean you need to know everything, grids, formatting, and the box model is usually enough for the day to day work.
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    @C0D4 I guess I was being lazy relying on stack overflow and cheap articles then. I know it’s purpose and some basic things, its not totally new to me. Bootstrap concepts were pretty simple to me, but things like fitting a gif inside a div without stretching the part of it that moves...I spent so much time trying to find a solution for that. Maybe that’s for a UX specialist, im not sure
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    @TeachMeCode that sounds like you need to read up on the box model.


    Knowing how positioning actually works takes the guess work out of it.
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    @C0D4 thanks, I like to read as much as I need to! I’ll take a look when I’m less drunk tomorrow lol (it’s Saturday night, when it’s hard to be sober lol)
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    CSS is love, CSS is life.
    Your knowledge gap may be not as big as you think. Read up on flexbox, go through flexbox Zombies for example.
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    Is it 100vh on mobile 😂
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    @Benutzername since there’s so much talk about flexbox I might as well know more then! Would help tremendously
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    CSS is easy nowadays. The internet is just sprinkled with wrong knowledge and old hacks which are no longer needed.

    Learn flexbox and grid, the rest is just playing with the design once you Master both and know when to apply what.
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    So the moral of the story is to learn flexbox then. Thanks guys, it sounds like it’ll make me hate css a lot less
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    My questions on stackoverflow. Dozens. And I had to answer them myself anyway. I rarely look it up anymore, not because I'm a good dev but it sure has become grating to search for an actual answer.
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    After going through actual tutorials on codeacademy (i know, codeacademy) I realized that CSS is NOT THAT BAD! Most of it’s weird obscure issues and fancy div ninjitsu are handled flawlessly by flexbox. This fucking thing is the hero of CSS, anyone who isn’t a hardcore designer but wants to do front end is going to die without flexbox
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    Now take a look at grid.
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