Just for fun, so if you don't like fun, or humor, stop reading.

Someone in a thread once suggested toppling KFC (a joke of course)

But really, think about it, topple KFC? Why? Everyone knows Chick-fil-A or Wendy's will replace them one day anyway.

Join the "fresh never frozen" rebellion today.

The colonel is some fucking confederate-type anyway.

Clearly KFC appears to be part of the giant commie pinko modern slave state.

If they were real homies they'd sell grape drink.

But do they?


Because it's all about them profits.

They want to be Master.

What's next we're all gonna be forced to wear chicken suits and stand in line begging for tendies while praising a giant golden idol of colonel Sanders like some 2021 throwback to an Aztec god?

Probably Human sacrifices after that. It's an old ritual. When civilizations (we live in a society) run out of meat what do they eat?

Soylent green is people.

Finger licking good.

Praise Sanders. (And please don't sacrifice me next Mr. Sanders! Ill work harder at this writing thing I swear!)

  • 7
    I like fun, and humor, but now I wish I had stopped reading at the top. So disappointed.

    This post was like reddit. Unamusing despite promising to entertain.

  • 1
    @100110111 a critic appears!

    it was originally a yt comment, that probably explains it.

    I'm glad you enjoyed it! One out of five gold stars. That's my best rating so far!

    Gonna frame your comment and put it on the refrigerator using magnets, right next to my first grade report on god damn dinosaurs.

    "I like fun and humor"

    A LIKELY story! Prove it.

    Mandatory fun time commences in five minutes.
  • 2
    How high were you when you wrote this tho?
  • 0
    @hashedram high: none

    clinically insane: going.

    But thanks for asking!
  • 2
    Fried chicken is the best
  • 1
    Love this
  • 1
    This should be a series. Do this for all the major "old guard" chains.
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