What's a good JavaScript framework for a single page application?

  • 16
    Ah man, what can of worms have you opened ...
  • 1
    I like Angular.
  • 0
    I'm using Polymer atm
  • 0
    @Kattoor any online samples?
  • 2
    I really like Angular 2.

    When it all came down to it, angular had 1 massive feature that the others simply couldn't stack up against ... my company was already using it and I was told I had to.
  • 4
    You are aware that you've just asked "What's a good food for eating?" or "What's a good car for driving from one place to another?"
  • 1
    @CrankyOldDev what I meant was what's the best framework.. you sure are cranky 😐
  • 0
    @josephnasr I have to be!! No point having that name and being calm and polite.

    Same thing though... there are a million answers and "best" will be totally different for everyone for a million different reasons. That was kinda my point (however badly I made it).
  • 0
    For me it's Vue because it's takes the best from other frameworks and runs with it.
  • 5
    One page? Vanilla HTML is the best dude.
  • 1
    Why do you need a javascript framework in the first place?
  • 1
    I like angular 1. Haven't touched Angular 2 yet.
  • 1
    Depends clearly on what you have to do with js. It reaches from vanillajs over jquery/sizzle, vue... to really huge libraries like angular

    If it's just a tiny Bit of modifying here and there, you should stick to vanillajs or sizzle
    and i know, some people would love to kill me right know, cause i said vanillajs
  • 1
    Thats a relatives ask, it depends on you
  • 0
    Hell Noooooooo. Not againn
  • 0
    Hi, I use Angular 1, be sure to check out Angular 2 before (not sure if it's mature enough)
  • 2
    Vue.js my dear.
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