
I don't get this one.... What's the joke?

  • 4
    Ask yourself: is that the right question?
  • 5
    There's no joke
  • 2
    This is not a joke.
  • 1
    @electrineer @Floydimus I meant like the "it's so true/sad that it's funny"...

    I didn't get that for this one...
  • 1
    @donuts this is my favourite one.

    To explain in lay terms, it means to solve any problem, you have to first understand the problem well. And to do so, you have to ask the right questions.

    Right questions will lead you to insightful answers helping you gain knowledge about the problem.

    And in my personal experience, when you have all the answers for a problem, you automatically arrive at the best solution.
  • 1
    @Floydimus oh I get it now... I just need to replace the titles...

    Junior -> Senior

    Senior -> Experienced Senior
  • 1
    The other times I've seen that comic they weren't so much jokes as insights that may or may not be humorous.
  • 1
    Where’s the lie tho. When you stop asking “How do I learn X” and just start asking specific things is generally when you stop being a junior.
  • 0
    "Stop being poor" 🙄
  • 0
    @hashedram guess yes senior lazy... I only time I ask for specific things is when it involves apps/data teams that I have no experience in and should not need to know
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