
Audacity repository being on fire for the new privacy policy is something I just can't stop watching ... I love it.

  • 10
    Audacity banning anyone under 13 years of age from using this application:

    The corporate world ... such clusterfucks of idiots...

    GH Issue:
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    I thought they would have removed the telemetry by now.

    But to continue down this path and block a user group, wtf are they doing ๐Ÿคจ
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    @C0D4 making money.

    What a bunch of greedy dicks. I've seen this happen all too often with open source software.

    I wonder when we'll learn.
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    Ridiculous. Even after they said they would drop the telemetry changes back in May. What slimy, awful pieces of shit. Glad it's popularizing forks of their bullshit. Open Source community stays winning.

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    And then there's also the CLA that isn't just a CLA, but also reserves them the right to publish under any licence they like, in direct contradiction to the GPL.
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    @AlgoRythm I think they are betting on the domain of their website to scam unsuspecting Windows users - i.e. the majority of desktop users.
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    I wonder what Muse Group thought the moment they bought one of the most popular open-source software in the world...

    "Yes, we're going to do as much fucking as we like."

    What's going on now:
    1. The volunteer community is angry
    2. Debian & others will likely drop the package due to the new privacy policies
    3. A new fork will be born on the ashes of the latest pre-telemetry version.
    4. They will fragment the community
    5. I hope a class action starts due to the violation of the GPLv3 terms

    EDIT: Just waiting to jump on the wagon of the new "official" community fork, I'll keep contributing here.
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    I thought Tantacrul was a good guy. At least he has great yt videos.
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    @theKarlisK why couldn't they just disable or exclude users from metrics if they were determined to be a minor?

    If the users lied about their age at install time, that's no fault of their own and no EU court would prosecute since they made every reasonable effort to protect the individual and their rights.

    I can speculate too. This is clearly a money grab. Every corp that buys into open source will "shake things up" before they close it down.

    They do it because it's a great way to make buzz and it shakes the tree to make all the open source clerics fall out.

    Someone should take a dump of what's in that repo and post it to the archives. I give it 6 months and muse will have locked the repo down and kicked the community out.
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    @sariel *would not prosecute
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    Is there an Audacity fork?
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    This is what I noted lol
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