
After weeks of hard work creating a website:

It looks so beautiful 😭

*opens in a different browser*

WHAT THE HECK! why is all my divs flying here and there !

*opens in mobile*

f*#k this

  • 3
    @media that shit son
  • 6
    Ah, why I love bootstrap
  • 2
    just started out as a developer ha?
  • 1
    @phil in case you're saying that thinking that I don't use bootstrap or foundation that's not the case. I am creating a website which has vertical pagination using js and jquery. I missed WebKit and moz transform that's why it's looking odd here and there 😃
  • 0
    @tahnik i feel u bruh
  • 1
    I always have the opposite of this. Crafting beauriful stuff, open it in IE8 10 mins before live, ah everything works fine.
  • 0
    @wgroenewold what is this sorcery?
  • 1
    Never heard of mobile first ? ;-))
  • 1
    @maiis haha yeah I use bootstrap with proper columns, but this is a bit different. I use mouse wheel event with CSS perspective and preserve3d to simulate pagination and parallax scrolling. That's why it's really hard to make it work in mobile 😃
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