
Vue 1.0 got released in 2015. Now it's 2021 and Vue 1 apps can no longer run in Firefox due to compatibility issue.

THIS IS JS FRAMEWORK FOR YOU. The lifespan of an app written on a JS framework is 5 years. But people will not learn, they will keep cmxll,xdl,d;'mzaaaaaaaxsxzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxa

  • 9
    Although it's a shit lifespan for a UI, it does ensure job security.
  • 2
    Vue 2 came out in September 2016. There's only one valid reason an app hasn't been upgraded to Vue 2 for 5 years: it's fucking dead.
  • 2
    @molaram I agree with मोलाराम।
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    @molaram If properly written Vue 2 app stops working in the next 10 years, consider for a minute that it's the browsers' issues.
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    Not updating your shit ain't the product fault.
  • 1
    In our field most things are obsolete in 5 years. Is just something we deal with. I work in a fairly large company and we get almost daily deprecation notices on the stuff we build ourselves.
  • 5
    You ALSO can't always run any Python script on the default interpreter shipped with a distro, without doing some version checking.

    You can't reliably compile 5 year old Rust repository on the latest version of the compiler.

    You can't reliably run a PHP 5.5 website on a PHP 8.0 server.

    This has more to do with the fact that the web is basically a remote code execution platform, in which you're dependent on the whims of end users and their browsers, than it the fault of Vue or JS.

    But, for this reason, I do tend to advise companies to build frontends which are light on logic.

    Let the backend do the heavy lifting, because you have much more control over updating strategies and timelines on your own servers.
  • 0
    @molaram YES, please. As a user i prefer HTML over the bloated slow JavaScript with 100's of libraries. I hate to buy a new computer just to be able to access websites but it seems like i have to.
  • 2
    There are people who wouldn't use a language or framework that isn't released for at least 6 years because compilers are not stable and good enough for it yet / the framework will still have too many bugs. Like me who has used C99 till 2 years ago and then switched to C11.

    Yes i know a language is not the same as framework and the situation is different for browsers and embedded software, but still.
  • 0
    @vintprox @molaram browsers essentially allow remote code execution, and almost every single (stable) API deprecated by browsers had either significant performance or security issues. If you use these (or experimental features), it's up to you to replace them in time, if not, your code should keep working.
  • 0
    @hitko now that you mention, yes, we shouldn't blame browsers for quality changes. Web is full of suprises despite our taste.
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