
Has anyone ever actually had a good experience with a recruiter? The only good experience I've had was the first party recruiter at mycurrent company...

  • 2
    Nope no good expierience. Only jobs that would create an career of first level support ONLY.
  • 0
    I just get constantly harassed by them, and my family (not in tech) is like "you complain about free jobs?".

    But there's never been a job I'd care about at all from a recruiter so it doesnt matter...
  • 2
    The best experience is when you don't need to interact with them directly
  • 1
    Well , yes.... Once there's a recruiter criticized me for not having a degree and apply for the job.
  • 1
    Been in my job for years and not moved. Tell me, what makes the experience so bad?
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    Basically recruiters just offer shitty jobs and are super aggressive about getting you to join one of these companies.
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