
Sorry but Ubuntu 16.04 LTS sucks

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    Ubuntu in my work PC freezes at around 3 pm everyday. God knows why..
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    Keep it simple stupid: Ubuntu suxx!
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    Just go for debian, superstable
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    Crashing much?
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    Ubuntu 16.0.4 is like Windows 8
    full of bugs
    can't even open software centre.!

    Ubuntu 14 is legend!
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    For me it sucks because they are still on kernel 2.xx which is shit when you use an intel raid. And only the bleeding edge, non lts ubuntu has the newer kernel.
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    I use kali...which is basically debian an I'm pretty satisfied with it :)
    I tried ubuntu once or twice and it used to fuck with me and throw idiotical fits all the time so I went back to my tool of the trade..
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    @darksideplease what are you talking about? Ubuntu shipped with 4.xx kernel since years ago including 16.04
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    But I do agree it sucks. If you really need to install Ubuntu, go with Gnome Edition or Xubuntu.
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    Dualboot Windows + Arch Linux/Debian
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    @kudamalam ah. Maybe it was 4.2xx. Something with 2.
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    You hate unity, try elementary
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    Eh. Unity desktop on 16.04 is buggy AF (which is why my laptop runs win10 with bash/Ubuntu on Windows). But Ubuntu server 16.04 is rock solid and completely stable.
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    I'm using it since July and I haven't had any bug that I can remember of :/
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    Ubuntu is a horrible system and can be completely replace by basically any OS.

    The incompatibility, extreme-buggy environment and lack of user friendly installations means you're probably wasting your time as a dev finding system patchs and solutions down to very simple task.

    Don't choose ubuntu. period.
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