Can't make this shit up folks!

  • 4
    It's time to teach you what "devrant" tag is for, you have mistagged this 3rd time,

    devrant tag is for posts about this platform, bugs, etc. it's not "developer rant", use "rant" tag for normal rants.
  • 4
    @theabbie And why would it even mean "developer rant"? As opposed to what exactly? Finance, HR, sales folks rants on a fucking platform with ONLY devs?
  • 2
    No shit, Sherlock!
  • 2
    How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man
  • 5
    Come on guys, don't be so harsh on him, it's not like there's a giant button that says RANT or anything.

    it's fairly common to find some shitty code in any codeBase, pun may be intended, but as long as it's clear what it's achieving, a small refactor isn't usually a bad thing.
  • 1
    Where trolls come to play

    What language is that ?
  • 0
    You fucking imbecile, tag it right
  • 0
    Who do I believe? The walls are closing in! What even is a tag? Have I made the right choice? What is the right tag? What is a rant? Is this a rant? MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT S
  • 3

    You are such a Karen, I can't. Each time I see your comment on post I can see your farts all over the place. Get a fucking life.
  • 0
    @yehaaw How about following fucking basic rules? This attitude is the reason DR has become a Shitpost platform.
  • 1

    Sure, following the rules is a good thing, but being a Karen about it is not.
    Also, DevRant was always a shit posting platform just dev related.

    If you have constant problems with tag displacement, propose a solution, which would handle that and would vanish your agony.
  • 0
    @yehaaw I do have a solution, teaching them about using tags, that's exactly what I did, who cares if they (or anyone) don't like it?
  • 1

    ++ Karen is a problem, but honestly I don’t care. I’m currently on a train and have nothing better to do. However, looking through OP posts to count how many times tag was misplaced just seems too much. Again, I don’t care and I don’t want to have any beef with you. You do you. Finding an automatic solution for tag problem seems as a better time management solution for you and others at this point.
  • 2
    @yehaaw cool, not trying to be a Karen anyways, I only teach when it seems like a genuine mistake, otherwise just downvote and leave, counting mistags was necessary as it implied they were genuinely unaware of the meaning of the tag, now they won't mistag, they learnt something new, Maybe a solution would be that tag automatically changes if enough people suggest, but you can't expect any new feature, it will take thousands of years to implement here.
  • 1

    hahah, true
  • 1

    Sorry, dude, I didn’t want to be an ass
  • 2
    @yehaaw I understand, it's annoying to see a long comment teaching about tags, If we had private DM, I would just privately abuse OP.
  • 1

    Would love to see such a feature in DevRant.
  • 1
    @theabbie @yehaaw follow the rules follow the rules I’m a hypocrite look at me follow the rules
    We’re arguing about the same non point so either you people have no lives or I’m talking to robots this time
  • 0

    True, but also fuck you and eat shit.
  • -1
    @yehaaw which part the talking to robots or the non point ?
  • 5
    @theabbie & @yehaaw

    I was confused with what button was the one to rant. I thought that the "big" one wat to post longer rants / stories.

    So yeah: useful comment, lesson learnt & even better comment section.
  • 3
  • 0
    @sinisimattia nah you’re the same idiot as last time
    Trying to get arrested thinking everything is a joke for the same fucked up shit
    Enjoy life
  • 1
    @killames Who the fuck is trying to get arrested?

    Are you actually insane?
  • 0
    @killames language is C#
  • 2
    @iiii that is not c# !

    Public static void dosomeshit() would compile
  • 2
    @iiii it's typescript
  • 0
    @killames right, missed the absense of a return type
  • 1
    @iiii Actually, TypeScript has return type functionality. Never used TS without it.
  • 1
    @iiii Both C# and TypeScript were developed by the same guy (Anders Hejlsberg), so no wonder people confuse them. Syntax is really similar.
  • 1
    @yehaaw Ok that is crazy, props to that guy.

    Also yes the syntax is similar but it boggles my mind why the return type is in a different spot.

    Like, THAT is the thing they chose to change, THAT.
  • 0

    They might’ve ran into some technical issue. Honestly, I don’t care. I love both of them.
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