  • 1
    Debian clearly, Ubuntu barely registers as Linux.
  • 5
    What do you want to do? Server? Debian. Desktop/laptop, with ease of use, hassle-free multimedia, wifi and shit out of the box? Mint.
  • 3
    Your mom.
  • 3
    @Fast-Nop we have a non-virgin option like Windows.
  • 9
    @aviophile non-virgin means that it's fucked up ;)
  • 3
    @aviophile Windows is a game starter OS, i.e. suited for virgin basement gamer kids.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop linux is for server cave non showering barbarians.
  • 2
    If you have to ask on a forum which OS to use, just get Windows.
  • 6
    @aviophile Btw., the oldest linux user I helped migrate to Linux this year is in his 70s, has no IT background, had never used Linux before, and prefers it over Windows. That's how user friendly Linux has become. :)
  • 0
    Just use Gentoo or Arch.
    They are flexible enough that your use case doesn't matter.
  • 0
    Only problem with Debian is their kernel releases are
    Slow but Debian over Ubuntu
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop until he needs to use wifi or take a screenshot… seriously, there is nothing linux provides to end user that win/mac can not provide easier and better
  • 1
    @aviophile My linux laptop has wifi, no problems. Worked OOTB. Screenshot is also easy because there's a screenshot utility right in the start menu. Or just ctrl-alt-print.

    Speaking of what Windows provides more easily: OS level spyware and borked, untested updates where you are the involuntary beta tester. And you can't even debug problems, that's why the number one "help" in their help forums is to reinstall the OS.

    As for Mac? Misdesigned, overpriced hardware, combined with Apple's track record of refusing to take responsibility for their incompetence until the class action hits in.
  • 0
    Debian requires a bit more Linux expertise to use comfortably. Ubuntu or Linux Mint are definitely more user friendly and Debian based.

    I personally use those two from time to time and really have no preference. I kinda dig how lightweight Mint is tbh.

    For anything else I am at a point in time in which I don't care what I am using as long as I don't have to thinker with it too much.

    Which is why I use Windows and Mac OS :D
  • 0
    @Ubbe Mint is not made "to look like Windows". It's made with the classic desktop metaphor that was already there before Windows, and that Mint actually executes better than Windows. Mint also says no to any "desktop revolution" crap.

    Plus that the Mint crew has an eye on what Canonical does, see e.g. Snap or the Amazon deal. Finally, Mint has a Debian edition as strategic fallback if Canonical should become unbearable. That's not unlikely, given Canonical's track record of alienating the community.
  • 1
    Have been using Ubuntu for years. Everything just works. Never have to worry about window updates fucking up the registry
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop you can get Ubuntu with classic DEs too, so I think distrust in canonical is the only reason to dislike it.
  • 0
    @electrineer Of course you can take Ubuntu, install Cinnamon, the Mint tools which are better than Ubunbtu's, configure that stuff, and make sure shit works. In return for more work on your side, you also get less support because that's not an officially supported configuration.

    Or you use the Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix instead where you have less additional work to make it like Mint and still have the lack of support. But that also leaves the Snap problem.

    Btw., the most important Snap package from Ubuntu, that being Chromium, is available as deb package under Mint because the Mint team builds it themselves. Also for the Debian edition because Debian can lag behind. The Mint team seriously bought a Ryzen 9 3900 with 128GB RAM to build Chromium in about one hour.

    I can only see one good reason for Ubuntu Cinnamon: you want the non-LTS Ubuntu versions. But at that point, I'd rather consider an RR distro such as Manjaro, also available with Cinnamon.
  • 0
    @hashedram I was asking for Docker
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop I was just asking for docker
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