Wow, if this isn't a "Fuck GDPR, making money is our interest if I have ever seen one".

Screenshot is from the Speedtest Apo and yes I also live in the EU.

  • 5
    I agree that they should be able to collect the IP address.

    But they could easily anonymise them. Using geolocation and ISP name ought to be enough to sell their statistics to all those people.
  • 8
    What's your excuse for not using librespeed? https://devrant.com/rants/3233667/...
  • 4
    @electrineer whoa!

    I went there to see what's happening and tried the link.

    Went to comment and saw folks have already mentioned me and I have no idea when that happened. Lol
  • 4
    Processing the IP is fine.
    But for giving it away i don't see any possibility for a legitimate interest to exist.
  • 2
    @electrineer Never knew of this. I use it so rarely, that I never really cared.

    I'll give that a look.
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