
Got a Java And Javascript interview coming up.

Any suggestions what to read or prepare for both Java and Javascript

  • 6
    Sure they're both the same... you'll be fine.

    Messing aside, I saw this article a while back which might help with the JS side: http://buff.ly/2gm9Rkq
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    i was on the other side of the table for a few java interviews. you should be able to answer for questions regarding data strcuters such as list map set hash map hash set map tree and so on... some questions about oop (class objects, abstract, interface private public protected) ... design patterns ( check mvc, factory, visitor) some questions about threads. those questions are for java standard also you probably get some questions about frameworks(check spring hibernate) servlets and so on. for js i can't really help you it depends very much on the framework used. also i was asking logic algorithms question to see that the candidate had elementary programming knowledge

    it depends very much on the level that the job requires.

    but a very important think is that to be honest tell when you don't know and detail what you know don't try to invent or pretend that you did smth but in reality some friend did it and you just heard about it

    have the best luck 😃
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    For Javascript be aware of the difference to Typescript and if you're not aware of async tell them if they ask. But mention you're willing to learn.
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    @CrankyOldDev. Thanks man:)
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    @zer02 Cool... Back to study now.. :)
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