
Seven hours of meetings this week, and every. single. one. of them could have been an email.

How can they expect me to get anything done when all I’m doing is listening to them drone on and on and …

And of course this shouldn’t affect the deadlines. No siree! But can I work during them? Not a chance! … Totally do anyway …

  • 3
    Set a meeting in your calendar from 09:00 to 17:00. Add only yourself to attendees. Join meeting when you don't want to be disturbed. Reject any other unimportant meetings because you have another meeting. Profit?
  • 3
    @hack Great way to get yelled at!

    Because no, of course MY meetings don’t matter, only those dreamed up by management.
  • 1
    I know exactly how this feel.....
  • 4
    Relatable. I have resolved to coding from 5:30-6:00AM so by the time the meetings start during the day, i would have gotten a chunk of code written and i can dose off during the meetings. Often times my input isn’t really needed. Showing up is just a performance act.
  • 1
    if I have deadlines,
    As a general rule not joining ANY meeting without getting 3 offline calls.
    From the organiser from the relevant product manager and from my direct manager.
    One good old trick:
    From 13 to 14 I have reccuring "lunch'
    Meeting - that means I reject any other conflicting some asshole set on that time.
    No one will dare yell at me.
    I will bite his head off.
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