I hate when something i built gets fucked around and stolen by someone else.

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    I find that as a highest form of compliment when my work is copied.
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    Did you release it with a license?
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    @electrineer no not commercial work, just any work even local projects on my comp or a hard drive or a usb or writing or photos, or a game map, anything.
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    @AvatarOfKaine how did they get their hands on it if its only on your computer locally?
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    @electrineer they stole my computer and i had to recreate everything.
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    @Floydimus unless you have situation like me , my government forcefully stole my code for the IOT I built for monitoring Covid19 . (It is a ble mesh device where it detects who is a potential carrier of the virus or already infected by using a data collection. Still have Bugs but it's ok. ) The government took it away (which o have no problem) but my problem is they renamed it and put a copyright labelled " buatan bumiputera" (means made by the native) , and being political saying my race don't contribute much , but the native is the only race that is sacrificing and contributing.

    I'm not alone in this project , so those involved we decided to sue the government which ended up paying the summons for seeing the government.

    So it depends.
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    @johnmelodyme the baseline assumption is that anything done by government is a war crime by default so fuck them.
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    @Floydimus yes. Fuck them.
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