I feel really lost in neural network theory.
the mnist sample made sense, but now I'm looking at Gans and CNN's.. and now all of a sudden I'm lost.

True also are the examples I'm finding of something I know I was able to get to work when more at peace once upon a time called wavenet for text to speech.

I used the Onyx model however which was very easy to implement, but I quickly get lost looking at the tensorflow and pytorch code, even though it is very short I feel intimidated.

The ssd mobilenet documentation also is pretty straightforward, but when I look for wavenet information about providing input in what format and interpreting output I'm having some trouble.

Its frustrating.
I'm tense, I'm poorly rested, I'm sick of having to redo crap and I'm surrounded by people who make me hypervigilant, skin crawly and tense.

How to overcome these things when I'm not at peace at all ?

I don't know. Pushing through it isn't compatable with the mindset I've been forced into.

  • 0
    ahh then there is this.

    I still feel humble however. I understand the math for a simpler neural net, but this is over my head :(

    I hate feeling dumb.
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    do you have friends who are knowledgeable in this you can talk to in person? 🙂
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    @heyheni nope.
    i don't have friends
    I have a world brothel stuffed with meanspirited degenerates that are meaner when you treat them like humans :)
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    Before you go diagnosing yourself with soem mental disorder, ask yourself: am I just surrounded by a bunch of assholes?

    A lot of time its that.
  • 2
    @Wisecrack pretty much but that has an effect.
    I want to do something that has a positive effect on my life I cannot do that when I have people constantly pulling the rug out or keeping me stuck.
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