
When giving, how to make a feedback feel like an opinion rather than a judgement?

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    Simple, crude, effective:

    Impersonate the person.

    You can make e.g. an audio recording and listen to yourself. It helps a lot as you get to know how the other person feels and it can give you insight in how you sound for another person.

    Sometimes it's not the wording, rather small details...

    E.g. when I'm loosing focus, I can sound surprised as my brain is lagging behind xD No biggy usually, except when the other person e.g. asks for a rise... Then sounding surprised is giving this awkward "Haha. Nice joke, bro." feeling.

    Last advice.... Make sure to incorporate a kind of short, one to two sentences max, summary at the end, highlighting that the review is based on your current knowledge and that they should be honest with you regarding the review - be it critic, positive feedback or a cry for help (not joking).

    A review should give an option for both parties to communicate in a private manner without the necessity of being polite and correct - in my opinion.
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