DavRant is my new reddit

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    Reddit was pretty good five years ago. Not so much anymore.

    Recommendation: hacker news.
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    I still use it to browse the programming subreddit, but thats it.
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    @dikiaap calm down sintax police he is a Pascal Case programmer :p
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    @nickhh With your experience with hacker news, what would you think if we added a "news" section to devRant?
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    @trogus That would be awesome. Collective moderation of latest goodies.
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    @trogus well, I would say don't bloat the app. Do one thing and do it well. This is frequently the defining factor of whether a venture is successful or not.
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    @trogus I'd like to see what kind of comments would be there.
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    @nickhh HN is full of stuck up twats
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