Why don’t social media websites including DevRant have like/share notification disabling?

I only care about replies directed to me, rest is just dopamin inducing trash information. Just give us theoption.

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    There is. You can disable plus notifications. I have disabled everything except replies
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    It's a useful tool for knowing what kind of content people like and what they don't. There should always be a downlike button though. (devrant only has a fake one)

    @iiii don't you ever visit the notifications tab?
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    @electrineer why do you think that the downvote button is fake in devrant.
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    @electrineer you can still check the upvotes in the app
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    @stop the actual functionality depends on which option you choose. You can try yourself if your vote actually was coubted by refreshing the rant.

    Not for me - this only hides the post for you, it doesn't actually decrease the ++ count.

    Repost - this probably only hides the post for people who have opted to hide reposts in the settings. Probably doesn't actually decrease ++ count?

    Offensive/spam - this actually reduces ++ count. It also cencors posts if enough (a few?) people select that. But be careful — many people have reported that their vote no longer counts. Dfox has verified that there's a mechanism for losing your right to vote. For me it happened when I downvoted a spammer that was postings links everywhere. It hasn't worked since.

    Report - I don't know if this does anything. I've been reporting spammers that post links on old rants but they just keep increasing. Maybe my votes with that don't count either.
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    @iiii but you can't disable them in the app
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    @electrineer settings -> notifications -> some toggles to play with.
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    @electrineer well... There are tabs and you can batch clear all notifs of one type
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    Did you even look into the settings bruh?
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    I wish we could just have mentions and ++s notifications, but you will also get those useless "commented on a rant you commented on" notifications.
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    @C0D4 those only affect push and email notifications, not in-app ones
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    I don't like how dR app is being shady about *where* are "new comments in a rant you commented on". I don't care about one-off threads that get popular and that I just happened to comment it. But I also don't wanna miss stuff in the threads where I drop "📌" or the topic is great. So end up losing 30-70% of probably useful opinions.
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    @C0D4 here is my settings. But these do not change anything in notif tab.
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    FFS people, I am takking about in app notifs. I would rather kill myself than letting any social media app create out off app notifications.
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    @iiii but it puts the burden on me. I see notification(in-app), I go check it voila, someone upvoted my comment from 2 years ago.
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    @aviophile update: no upvote notif from anyone but rutee ❤️
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    Couldn't you do what I do and simply ignore the likes and everything else? I don't find it's a terrible strain on me.
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    @bols59 are you one of those terrible people that have countless notifications everywhere and do nothing about them
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    @electrineer I wouldn't go as far as to call them out as "terrible": it's still an innocent act. In fact, if you feel an urge to "check all boxes" in this medium, it's the opposite of productive. Luckily, there is the "Clear All" button 👌
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