So how many generations of the same people are you raising simultaneously or are you people killing them in between passing all of us off as younger than we are ? Just curious
Wonder just how much of a group of monsters you all are since I’ve seen counting on 5 duplicates this far with periods of amnesia in between

  • 3
    To quote some else: "You know you're also on this platform right?"
  • 0
    But what does that mean ?
    Besides I’m addressing anyone who might be connected to the people I’m addressing or know of their standard of living and you didn’t answer my question
    Are they alive and well or alive and ruined beyond comparison ?
    I’m looking for more motivation to punish you people while I’m still physically capable
  • 0
    And I imagine the truth would allow that
  • 0
    And what difference does it make anyway ? You people have hollowed out nearly everything that should be able to be interpreted at face value and there is no guarantee people who do awful shot will be anything but rewarded
    And hardly really describes wtf you people are up to in any sense of the word
    So sure go ahead and do whatever stupid shot you’ll do
    Act like programmed drones of perversity and cruelty and inhuman trash reacting to color and numbers in some nonsensical system
    I can’t doing anything about it but point out I want no part of it
  • 0
    Speaking of which
    Since last time how has being a robot turned out ?
    Few more gray hairs and lines and no accomplishments ?
  • 0
    Scum ?
  • 0
    @Ranchonyx yes but do explain wtf you even mean
    What is this platform in your thoughts ? Because I don’t know what to do but shoot myself in the head or move to some parallel universe to avoid you ducking freaks misinterpreting me
  • 0
    Or copying me like you did with several user accounts on here for some strange fucked up reason
  • 0
    See that’s what I tend to remember and notice
    The number of people who mimicked me later
    When I was just trying to live innocently and get my shit together before you crazy asshole started repeating shut everywhere

    Still feel powerful btw ? Lmao
  • 6
    I think, you have schizophrenia. Get help, seriously
  • 3
    I don't know what you're smoking, and now I'm to afraid to ask.
  • 0
    I remember him saying this
    and all of you saying the same things pretending this never happened before, so i guess i'm crazy too.
  • 1
    kind of a trashy thing to do to drive someone crazy just because they don't believe or do the same awful things all of you do.

    its why you people get killed on occasion. you drive normal people nuts.
  • 1
    but hey, the gray hair and the lines and the aging bodies, and they're supposedly 20 years old still, doing the same crap having the same conversations, no that isn't proof of anything. we're the ones who are crazy, and the only ones not staring at little children as they walk by like fucking wolves. fucking fags.
  • 1
    Your confusion tactics might be of service on multiplayer matches.
  • 0
    @vintprox adddessing them for lying like idiots over and over or us for telling the truth over and over ?

    Seems to make no difference excepting the occasional guy goes nuts and shoots up a crowd of you whores and everyone is miserable and despondent and inhuman now
  • 0
    @vintprox why can’t understand is why said people reinforce their own captivity which the greedy fucked up boomers seemed to begin in earnest around 2012

    19 years is a long time give or take a decade or two
  • 0
    @vintprox feeling a little deja vu yet ?
  • 0
    @killames no, no "Deja Vu". In fact, I prefer to "Gas Gas Gas" far away from this conversation. Commenter above, yeehaw, already has made a good point.
  • 0
    @vintprox have fun going the same place :P
  • 1
    And now he's talking to himself
  • 0
    @iiii now i'm not, unless you're not here, because you people all said the same shit before.
  • 0
    as did I for that matter
  • -1
    @Ranchonyx you know why I in particular came here all those years ago ? because I missed interacting with developers. because I didn't yet realize that everything was being turned into a really bad joke. and it was.

    see I actually did my job, quite a few people did not.
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