
Empty create-react-app...262Mb

I do like npm but something has gone pretty fucko along the way.

  • 3
    Try Svelte, it has zero waste.
  • 9
    I wonder what all those Facebook packages are doing...
  • 12
    @sariel I'm sure it's something totally benign and not-creepy, this is Facebook we're talking about
  • 1
    @darkwind looks interesting. This isn't my project or machine, setting it up at the behest of someone else, but this empty web page now takes up 0.1% of their hard disk, so I'll suggest it.
  • 0
    @jfgilmore it’s full of unused dependency chains. Libraries to pad strings and shit like that. One could seek alternatives but I rather like having things to complain about.
  • 3
    @jfgilmore sure, I'll take what little free time I have and review 40k lines of Facebook bullshit.

    After I'm done I'll also review every single PR just to make sure there's no more funny business.

    Chances are likely that there's nothing to worry about, but consider Facebook's track record...I trust Facebook to do one thing, lie.
  • 0
    if you weren't that braindead, the final output is pruned, and those are meant for debugging. Either program in assembly or stop complaining.
  • 0
    @jassole I never said the final output was that big, cupcake. I see I've 'triggered' you if you've dug this one out - you'd think a "CEO" would have better things to do than find an old rant of mine because I commented on his. Do you just like being ignored in multiple places at once?
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