
Fuck Angular and everything it represents

I've been working in a large enterprise cooperation for the last year and I fucking hate it

Fuck Angular

Fuck everyone who thinks they are the shit for using this fucking piece of garbage fRaMeWoRk

You can use this shit if you want but shut the fuck up when we want to do a react project

I don't care what frameworks and libraries other people use stay the fuck out of my projects and let me use what ever I like

had to rant 😔

  • 4
    No need to apologize hon, let it all out.
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    @kobe53 Outright refusing to work on the projects seems a bit extreme in my opinion. What is it about angular that you hate so much?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of it. Just learned a bit of it thanks to the docs for a position I didn't get so I'm curious. I'm not a fan of the pipe operations in the template.
  • 4
    I hate it too. Make you scared of web dev if you are new :/ I started with Angular and for 2-3 years, I was scared of web dev :/ then I tried React. Ahh! Sweet! ^_^
  • 6
    Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better. Welcome to reality. Your attitude should embrace learning. Learn and adapt. I know both angular and react. I first learned angular it was super hard with a steep learning curve but after all that I appreciate it's beauty. Then I learned react moderate learning curve. I'm a little familiar with vue but no work experience.

    You don't have autonomy sometimes when working. You don't sometimes choose what tech stack you like. Learn + adapt or simply quit.
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    @Xoka react isn't much better.

    You trade fear for the Facebook equation.
  • 3
    @sariel I never said React is better. But if I had to bet on a JS thingie that is going to stay after 10 years, I'll bet on React. Why? One reason: If you know JS/TS, You already know 90% of React.
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    Yeap I don't see any reason to keep working with angular when all new projects choose react / other frameworks
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    @Xoka lol

    You think TS is not going to be the cancer it already is.

    TS is a plague that was put upon us by Microsoft to solve for a problem that didn't exist. Microsoft wanted a part of that juicy JS pie and now they've wrapped their sticky grubby hands around its throat.

    I have never met a developer that ACTUALLY used TS how it is supposed to be used. That means all the projects out there that are using it are going to break and will need refactoring.

    My biggest problem, anything to do with any JS framework is a fad. The only framework that's outlasted everything so far is JQuery and that's fucking sad.

    So go ahead, learn your new shill skill and buy into the hype machine for a future with JavaScript and Typescript.
  • 2
    @sariel Not sure what you think of yourself but do you even know how to code? if you do, how come you dont know that TS has been the 2nd most loved language for more than 3 years now?
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    @Xoka bro, do YOU even code? Last I checked typescript isn't a language, it's a framework built on ecmascript aka JavaScript.

    Such an amateur move, I bet you even think html is a programming language.

    JAVASCRIPT has been popular. And according to tiobe JS has never broken past 7th place.
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    @sariel Man! You should go and consult an EYE doctor!
    read my comment again & show me where I wrote "Programming language"

    & btw, if you are angry about something, & want to release your frustration on me, thats fine. I can understand that.

    but what I cant understand is, you acting like you know a lot about coding, but you just dont seem like you know anything so far. People who know a lot dont go around and shitting all over the internet.

    & you also should go check your eyes. hope it gets better.
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    @Xoka check your eyes. Pretty sure you're just butthurt because I'm right.
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    @Xoka my work place is 7 people like this sariel jerk here flaming non stop how angular is the best thing 24/7 and refusing to accept anything else

    this is the kind of shit I need to cope with on a daily basis
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    @sariel I said to show me, where I wrote "Programming language", not just "Language".

    your poopy head barely contains any knowledge, on top of that you cant see properly. I really feel sorry for people like you man!
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    @Xoka enjoy your pissing contest. doesn't change the fact that TS is a framework and JavaScript is the language.
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    @kobe53 you realize that I'm arguing that all JS frameworks suck, right?
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    @sariel what would you choose for making modern UI then (let's say you have to choose)?
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    @kobe53 there's literally no better choice but JavaScript, that's because it's literally made for the browser.

    I'm partial to Vue myself.

    Angular is always broken and has zero support from the community because most that stick around are groupies.

    React is tainted by Facebook, why would I ever use anything they support and risk leaking my users data.

    I'm sure there's about 50 other JS frameworks out there.

    Do you know of any that aren't based entirely on JS?
  • 3
    Siding with Sariel on this one. Xoka's being pedantic.

    If all you want is UI, take something that's already been done before with bootstrap, tailwind, foundation or bulma. Plenty of design sites offer freemium services for design templates where you can get the boilerplate you'd want for most components.

    Now about the reactive part (the only reason people use js frameworks at all), I tend to go with either no framework (just libraries and plain js) or alpinejs.

    Sweetalert2 covers most use cases.
    Select2 offers a lot of customization but last time I checked it still required jquery to work.
    I feel the same way about DataTables. I avoid it like the plague unless my tables actually need something very complex in them (no, sorting, searching and pagination are not complex features nowadays)
    FullCalendar is a mess but if you need to display schedules is an easy goto.
    Chartjs is decent for charts. Echarts is prettier but it's chinese made so eeh....
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    @sariel So you are saying, people who literally made/created TS didnt know what they made, right?

    Stupid people like You are the cancer of society. You barely know anything but acting like know-it-all.

    you know, you should now do 3 things ASAP:
    1. Learn what is a programming language
    2. Go see a doctor for your eyes
    3. Go see a psychiatrist

    Hope, you get well soon.
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    @nitnip wow! You seem like such a hardworking person. I respect you from the bottom of my heart.

    but I'm a very lazy person. I try to do things ASAP & sleep/travel/learn/try something new in my free time. Unlike you, who might barely have free time wouldnt understand the sweetness of it.

    & yes, Its absolutely okay to have an opinion about something. I respect that too. But that doesnt mean, everyone has to leave everything and accept what you say. be a little flexible.

    I don't care what people use to make an app. as long as its functional & doesnt cross the deadline, I'm more than fine with any framework/library.

    but its just my personal preference that I like React more than the others. I'm not telling you to like React for me. but hypothetically, if you work for me, & you don't have a preferred framework/library to start with, & ask me to recommend something, thats the only time I would say, "Go with React". cause its easier than the others.
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    @Xoka your lack of understanding amuses me.

    Whatever you say wimp lo.
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    @sariel Yeah, your lack of knowledge is supposed to make everything funny. Like your very existence is funny.
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    @Xoka don't mind losers like @sariel
    his comments prove he is just a cocky ignorant bastard
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    @Xoka making a lot of assumptions about my life while attempting to flex on devrant of all places? Sad.

    Kobe just asked for an opinion on UI design and I gave mine.
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    @nitnip you gave your opinion, I gave mine. When you have multiple ways to go but you still choose the hardest/most time consuming way, isn't it obvious that you're more hardworking? I thought, people take "hardworking" as a complement. Not sure where you saw the flex there :/ seems like, you're the one who flexed, out of all places in devrant. Interesting!
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    @Xoka Most difficult, time consuming way? I'm talking about using libraries specifically designed to solve recurring problems. Libraries that, I might add, probably have their react-component version.

    Also what do you call this then? You really come off as a passive-aggressive asshole and I'm done talking with you.
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    @nitnip We don't use React just for the "recurring works" my friend, but also for the "ecosystem" it surrounds with. I mean, think about making anything in React. Chances that somebody has already made something like that and probably open sourced it and they are still actively developed. React has the biggest community of all the front-end libraries/frameworks. If you need any help, chances that someone expert can help you on that.

    Pretty sure that's not the case for the library/framework you are fighting for.
  • 1
    @Xoka just for the lulz. React is a fad, just like every other JavaScript framework.

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