
I was considering starting a business with a coworker something like dfox-trogus duo...

But damn he can't even stop pushing unfinished changes ... Its not bug... Its bug+unfinished... Bugs I can handle...

Now I really think I might be better alone

  • 2
    Ummm, that's what branches are for?
    *Captain obvious flies away*
  • 0
    When you say "pushes unfinished changes" do you mean in general, or to master / production? I push WIP with detailed messages and comments in the code all the time, but I do it on branches, never master. I always push at the end of the day just in case...
  • 0
    @aviad-rom @Treighton I imagine the main purpose of branching and stashing is to avoid comiting WIP that isn't finished.
  • 0
    @azous you still commit to branches...
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