
- Use docker so it works on any machine
- The server only starts on Linux

How the heck is that possible

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    Please learn the basics
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    That's what happens when people try to use Docker, but are so clueless that they don't even understand the difference between container solutions and VMs.
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    The glorified tarball requires Linux to work in the end.

    Either you use a vm (Mac) or a reverse wine (wsl) doesn’t mathers.
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    @IntrusionCM no no no, I don't accept that. I don't wanna say I'm an expert, but I'm very beyond the basics. I'm trying to make a microservices architecture with kafka, debezium, eureka and zookeeper up and running, and when executed on macos it fails to find the other services, while on Linux and windows it just works fine. To be honest I found your comment a bit offensive
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    And if you're so much sure of what you say, I can just share my docker-compose with you and ask you to fix it
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    @crisz Offensive. Good.

    That means I hit a nerve.

    What Docker does is a lot of abstraction, but Docker has different features and implementations on different platforms.

    E.g. Docker on Windows uses experimental features since the beginning of the year.

    As Docker relies on a virtual machine stack, it's inner workings are heavily dependent on the host OS.

    MacOS has - just as a hypothesis - an entire different security stack than Windows, while in Linux the security stack ranges from optional to "exterminate" (quite literally, highest forms of security just oops out with a kernel panic).

    If I say basics, I mean that you should be aware of these things. Not because you need them for Docker, but OS specifics will always bite you as an developer.

    Be aware of them and it will make your life far easier.

    While docker does a fair job of abstraction, it's entirety (containerd, runc, ...) is up to whomever packaged it and whatever defaults are in there.

    Windows Docker will be an entire different thing than Linux Docker on eg. Gentoo as a distribution.
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    @IntrusionCM nothing to do with the topic at hand, but why must hitting a nerve be a good thing in this context? OP did not insult the tech stack at hand, nor did he insulted those that use it, his exclamation came out of not knowing in the most neutral manner possible.

    What I mean by this is, there is a difference between "what the heck" and "wtf this is such a piece of shit, this is absolute garbage, you idiots using this are x, y,z"

    So why must one hit a nerve in this regard?
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    @AleCx04 Some men just want to watch the world burn to fill the void in their heart okay
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    @AleCx04 It just means he still cares.

    Has nothing to do with the technology or anything like that.

    But it's become really tiresome when devs don't see the OS specifics at all - the thing that triggered me massively was the "use docker so it works on any machine".

    This statement is dangerous... And I guess the author @crisz learned the hard way that the statement needs a lot of "but only if" appended to be true.

    Don't trust marketing.

    By the way @crisz were you able to make it work?
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    The only requirement of docker is that the program in the container can be run from the kernel. The original docker uses some linuxspecific features for seperation, while the windows version runs a small vm. The comtainers share the kernel with the host, but are limited in what they can access.
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    @IntrusionCM makes sense, thank you for explaining this to me
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    @AleCx04 NP.

    Just realized my statement had a flaw, too.

    Hardware support is another thing to watch out for.

    X86 CPU flags like AVX / AVX-512 or simpler, specific SIMD extensions.

    The number of software requiring specific hardware -/ CPU flags grows, e.g.Tensorflow requiring AVX.
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