
python or javascript?

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    @ItsNotMyFault No? u meant None!
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    If I had the choice and didn’t have to consider the usual things you have to consider in an enterprise setting (as in, you might have to hire someone to maintain it…), neither. Ever. Unfortunately there isn’t really a good alternative to completely rid oneself of JS in the web - so what, I work at the backend then. Python… nah, there’s always an alternative that doesn’t make we wanna go on a genocidal spree.
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    As always, it depends...
    If I have to choose blindly, I'd say Python no doubt.
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    Both... Talking to each other :D
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    As a Web dev it's JS all the way. Even if you can compile other languages to JS - any fronted still Needs to be able to write JS in the devtools console.

    Python is good to and in many analytics teams it's assumed to be the default scripting language for extracting reports etc.
    But as a Web dev I've never felt like I HAD to know python.
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    @jiraTicket have you heard about our lord and savior wasm?
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    @Lensflare can you do it in the dev tools console?
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    @jiraTicket me personally prefers python over JS. bcuz I can't tolerate those weird JS stuffs and python seems to be less confusing than JS.
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    @C-sucks Yeah I'd absolutely agree python is more consistent than JS.
    My argument is mostly based on which is most used/useful/necessary. No one thinks JS is a perfect language, just super useful.

    But perfect languages don't matter much to me. F# is great but I don't need it for anything.
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    c++ cuz why not
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    Depends on the use case. Not sure anyone in their right mind would seriously suggest Python for frontend web dev. You'd have to be even more insane to suggest JS for data science purposes.
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    @jiraTicket I don’t know. But since it’s compiled you probably don’t need to.
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    Typescript (or Rust).
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    I go with python, mainly coz I build stuff that runs on the command line and I think bash is horrible.
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    neither. both are terrible.

    python is, IMHO, only suitable for simple scripts, not overly complicated or complex stuff. (and personally, i just hate that indentation matters).

    as soon as you have more complex code to manage, there's a hundred different ways to do stuff, and two hundred of them are wrong.

    and javascript is the scource of the internet, an abomination, a disease, that only sticks around because of a collective stockholm's syndrome. except for JSON, which released us from the stockhom's syndrome keeping XML around, nothing good ever came from JS.
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    I hate JS a lot.
    But I hate python way more.

    So definitely JS
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    @Lensflare My point was that even if you've compiled to JS, as a debugging developer you might still need to write some raw JS once in a while. And then it's nice to know JS and a bonus be able to paste stuff from the sourceCode directly into DevTools.

    Not a big deal. I'm sure there are extensions (similar to reactDebugger etc) that help you with that. Just a minor pet peeve of mine.
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    @jiraTicket my point is, when you have a compiler, you don’t need to paste around JS code in the debugger because the bugs that you are hunting are already eliminated. Of course not all bugs but for example those where you misspelled something.
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    @tosensei couldn’t agree more on the JS part.
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    Depends ...
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