
I usually don't work for indian clients. But when I do, they make sure I don't get paid.

Some highlights from my last project,

Client: Do you know ERPnext?

Me: No, but I am good at python.

Client: My boss wants me to find a guy who can create barcode generator for erpnext.

Me: I can use pyBarcode to do it.
This is exciting I thought. I get to learn a new framework. Start working on it. Not an hour passes by,

Client: hey can you remove this menu item?
Me: Which one?
Client: Also can you add the dashboard icons to left sidebar? Like Odoo? Do you know it? It is also python based.
Me: Then why don't you just use Odoo instead?
Client: My boss wants it. He doesn't understand computers. He is pissing mr off.
Me: Then how come he suggested erpnext?
Client: His friend told him.
*experience mindfuck*

For the next 3 days he has me working on these UI tweaks, never mentions barcode again.

But I finish the barcode stuff. Tripple check everything to make sure they work. Tell him to check so I can get paid. Guy asks his boss to check.

Boss > Client: It doesn't work
Me: What doesn't work?
Boss > Client: Everything!
Client: I actually tested everything and they work. My boss doesn't know how to use it. He is very old.

Makes me make more changes and finally when I ask for the work done so far,
Client: Boss didn't come to office today. I'll get you paid. Please try to understand my situation.

Me thinking, "mofo your boss didn't hire me,l. You did". But I keep calm and tell him I won't work until I get paid 50%.

3 days passed. No reply. Set his skype status to "Away" forever.

*spidey sense tells me I'm not getting paid, again*

U am beyond pissed and burnt out. I fucking wish there was a mafia I can request to collect my fucking money from them.

  • 13
    Always and I mean always give a partial of the product never trust companies unless they agree to sign a contract.
  • 19
    Actually there is something worse than mafia, it's called lawyers!

    You should always get some percentage in advance or get paid every day or so depending on the work done. This way you minimize your losses.
  • 10
    Now your only hope to get your deserved money from this disrespectful and dishonest client, is to hold on to your mighty force of will while endure this painful waiting for a feeble light at the end of this tunnel...
    Or, you can simply send in your squadron of highly trained ninja nazi zombie killers to pay him a visit.
  • 10
    Always charge by the month (and in advance)

  • 11
    Don't you get a down payment? I never start working unless I get paid 25% of total amount, and never deliver until I get paid 50%. The last 25% are after client finishes testing. Usually the last 25% are the hardest to get πŸ˜…
  • 11
    Username checks out
  • 8
    Contract... Nuff said.
    50% up front, 30% on approval of plan, 20% when complete.
    10% interest per month on outstanding balance
  • 1
    @gitpush @biscuit problem with working with a fixed amount is that majority of Indian clients are non receptive of change requests. They don't like it when we tell them a particular task is out of scope. When there's no way to handle scope creep, IMO the best way to go is by invoicing them every month.
  • 4
    @gldraphael that's bad bro, never worked with Indian clients but I did face ppl that try all their best to include out of scope requirements for free, but when they hear the word extra charge they back out πŸ˜…
  • 3
    Thanks for your kind advice, guys. I did ask for 50% advance. To which he replied, "My boss won't let me pay in advance. Last guy got paid but never finished." I should have said IDGAF.

    Will definitely get a contract next time.
  • 5
    Man I am living in a country where majority of clients are like that. And no, we are not indian country. People there want as much work for as low wage as possible.

    Solution? Charge them 30% before the contract, in between and after the contract. After the thing is done inform them that the project is entering in "maintenance mode" in means every other changes would be charged hourly.

    That works for me. From time to time I fail and dont get paid but it works like a charm.
  • 3
    Not only India, Russia is the same.

    And well, at least you learned your lesson πŸ˜‰
  • 2
    If there is no contract, don't give any code, even if its just a prototype.

    Dealt with it twice, should've have known the second time not to trust, was the same guy, only now on a big start-up. :/
  • 4
    First of all, you should always take a deposit/upfront money, I usually take 50%. I don't know if this can apply in your context but when I am working for someone I ALWAYS show them the final product on MY end. Whether that be setting up an environment to display it, making a short video of a feature or deploying it to a web-server to show it to the client. Once they are happy I can happily take the remaining money and give them the work I've done.
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    @px06 This makes a lot of sense. I will be taking this concept going forward. Thanks!
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    what are the benefits of not working with indian clients?
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    Ya, ur own fault boet, I do not write a single line of code until that 50% NON REFUNDABLE deposit is paid.
  • 0
    .... Don't know why our people do this.
    But it's not case that they don't do such stuff here, they do same shit here also. Just for an example our best teacher left college last year because he didn't got salary for fucking 5-6months....
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    @lazysnail i'm on vacation in india... i understand now why you don't work for indians πŸ™„
  • 0
    @heyheni I'm Indian :P?
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