
In my opinion the image feature on devRant is not very user friendly. I think following points should be changed:

- In the rant preview the image has always a 1:>=1 ratio. This means that you can't see the full image unless the image has exactly a 1:1 or smaller ratio.

- To see the image in fullscreen mode you have to tap two times. In my opinion that's just too​ cumbersome. Often when i browse through devRant and i see a image i just scroll along because i don't wanna tap two times to see the image.

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    thats's by design in order to increase user interactions on devRant. If you could see the whole picture you wouldn't be curious and tap on it which increases the posibility of a comment.
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    Just build your own app, problem solved :)

    That's actually what I did, I tend to use this one more now.
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    @allanx2000 how is it called?
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    @Aaronmacaron Not sure what you mean... the URL is in the response.
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