Got the job. Not sure I want the job. Or any job in my field. A quarter century feels like too long for any profession. But I don’t have any other marketable skills. Maybe I’ll be a truck driver. Or wash peoples’ car windows when they’re stopped at traffic signals.

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    I’m surprised your wrists still work

    My fingers are fucked up after years of dev
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    @molaram problem with trucks is you get fat and fuck up your kidneys and you’re not really traveling you’re driving places and sleeping at night
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    @molaram semis bounce around a lot in their shocks which a good can can and shocks can offset but not eliminate which puts strain on the kidneys by constantly impacting them according to my dad who used to manage truckers
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    @molaram yeah maybe you can help me teach him how to die horribly
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    @molaram yeah except mine were such that the reality was I was all alone in the world and they cut out anytime I truly truly needed them and even given their fucked up nature quietly helped destroy their adult children and sure as fuck helped destroy them when they were still young children.
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    @AvatarOfKaine My wrists still work but it’s my brain I miss the most. An older mind really does have difficulty with all the new things the kids are into. They need to get off my lawn.
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    @stackodev what I envy you for is that I had people willfully trying to destroy mine and what I got is a pain filled strong willfullness and understanding of one horrific subsection of human kind.

    but I keep having my continuing logical bend to my mind interrupted by sheer survival needs.

    its infuriating.

    for the last x number of years I've hardly slept or been at peace like I was in normal life, but you know even in normal life I didn't have the feeling of security I needed to be happy either heh

    and my brain is getting older as well, i'm past my middle age.
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    @stackodev though only a few years ago I didn't look that bad and if i got back in shape i wouldn't look bad at all.
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