Le Me @ the terminal..

$sudo ngixn
Command not found ngixn


$sudo ngnix
Command not found ngnix


$sudo nginx

Finally! Takes me 3 tries to actually start nginx. Am I the only one ?! ._.)

  • 2
    I have only a problem apt isntall
  • 2
    You might try the "fuck" command... Lol.
    Makes for a more satisfying terminal experience ;)
  • 2
    I have this with Apache.

  • 1
    Install zsh and oh-my-zsh and just tab your way through it. I've saved 346 seconds on it (estimated), and now I used that time to eat bacon!
  • 0
    @ChainsawBaby I'm really wondering what story is behind your username...
  • 1
    @linuxxx that is a universal question I get wherever I roam on the wide interwebz.

    My previous username used to be tnViking, but people asked me if I were from Tennessee, which I am not. TnViking stands for the Norwegian Viking.

    Tbh, I do not know the exact reason why I chose ChainsawBaby, but I love it
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