So I upgraded my 8 year old Acer Aspire 7250 with Linux Solus and performance increased OVER 9000000000


  • 12
  • 1
    Hey I didn't even knew about Solus! It seem to be pretty cool, what do you think about it ?
  • 5
    With Windows: 10 minutes until explorer shows up

    With solus: multitasking without any problem
  • 4
    Reinstalling Windows would've helped too...
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    @papierbouwer but it would be super slow after a while, the battery was discharging to quickly too
  • 3
    I love Solus.
  • 0
    Do u have a positive experience with solus so far? its an independent distro so I was wondering how it sums up compared to debian based ones.also is budgie desktop a good desktop environment?
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    @zmzmuazzam98 it​ works steady and I never had a problem so far. And the download center is the best !!1! :D. I had no problem installing and updating and even better if you boot it first time it's a live CD and you can install it from desktop. Only thing I didn't liked was eopkg instead of apt
  • 1
    Now i will try it on a vm i love trying new Linux distributions.
  • 4
    that's my next move
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    @ukuno Welcome to devRant! πŸ˜„
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    @ukuno Also, have your first upvote πŸ˜‰
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    You know, i went and came back again to windows, its fancy and charming, but,, i don't know, maybe thats my problem, but freezing, slow performance, no driver (fuck amd), no wake up after goes suspend, and more fucking problems,,,
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    @seven5689 I still use Windows on my main PC because programming. But on my laptop Linux does a much better job
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    @dontbeevil But Ms is corrupting their old OSs to sell more Windows 10s :o So I had to upgrade and then boom system went slower than a turtle
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    @dontbeevil While I was working at a PC repair stop I encountered multiple Windows 7-8.1 devices where right after boot their were 7-8 svhost.exes...

    Much ram use... In Germany it might be not illegal
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