
Just reminiscing when back in the "old days" video games had cheats built in...

Proton men and the flying Dutchman IN AOE3...

Now have to find hackers to create trainer apps that change values in memory and bypass cheat detection...

  • 4
    GTA vice city.

    Ahhh the good days
  • 5
    I think all good games have modding systems these days.

    Games which don't have mods aren't worth playing.
  • 6
    I think, if winning without any efforts gives you a sense of happiness, you should be able to do that in a game, at least when its an offline game.
  • 3
    @Xoka yes but before the devs were in on it too I guess with the Easter eggs?

    Or in fighting games, secret button combos.

    Now basically you need to break the game.
  • 3
    @Xoka used to be fun when you knew some cheats while your friends didn't, GODMODE HA HA
  • 1
    those cheat codes weren't intended for the players tho
  • 0
    I think pretty much most cheats were just tools to aid development/testing, left in the release build.

    I never owned one but my mate had a Game Genie when we were little kids; I now know that it's basically just a means of intercepting and over-writing the data sent to a console by a cartridge. They weren't released with any cheats, people with a lot of equipment and/or time on their hands had to literally work out which bytes in memory controlled which vars, then derive a Genie code they could share with others. I imagine hacking games is a lot more fun now.
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